Help to Zion's Travellers by Robert Hall
Help to Zion's Travellers by Robert Hall PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
From the Introduction by Michael A.G. Haykin: I am...thrilled for this reprint of this significant work. It not only helps us understand how the bondage of hyper-Calvinism was broken, but it also shows us how theology can be done within the context of local church ministry. I ardently wish it, therefore, a wide hearing among Baptists that they might better know their roots, and hence understand more about their identity. But I am also hopeful that they, and others, might find in Hall, as did Ryland and his friends, a wise pastoral mentor... As my dear friend Nathan Finn documents in his introductory essay to this most important of Hall's works, Hall had a significant impact upon a cluster of men-they have been the most important mentors of my life-Andrew Fuller, John Sutcliff, and William Carey. The mutual friend of all of these men, John Ryland, Jr., who penned the introduction to the second edition of Hall's "Help to Zion's Travellers", spoke for all of them when he said that he esteemed Hall, along with John Newton, his "wisest and most faithful counselors, in all difficulties."From reader reviews:
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