Rabu, 19 Februari 2014

PDF⋙ Climate Change and Liberal Priorities

Climate Change and Liberal Priorities

Climate Change and Liberal Priorities

Climate Change and Liberal Priorities PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Can, and should, liberalism make itself hospitable to a politics which does justice to climate change? To what extent are the values, methods, and assumptions of liberalism adaptable to the challenges raised? Liberal thinking – broadly construed – may dominate the Academy and the political landscape. Are the environmental priorities that are thrown into relief by climate change a threat to it, or are they an opportunity for it to show its worth?

This book explores fresh arguments by leading scholars, both of whom are sceptical of liberalism’s capacity to meet these challenges, and sympathetic to the project of developing liberal values so as to create a liberal approach that can deliver climate change justice. The chapters appeal to new insights and considerations reveal the complexity of the issues at stake in the real world of climate change politics. They make the political theory of climate change justice available to decision-makers whose practice will determine whether we achieve it.

This book was previously published as a special issue of Critical Review of International Social and Political Economy.

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