Angelo Badalamenti's Soundtrack from Twin Peaks (33 1/3) by Clare Nina Norelli
Angelo Badalamenti's Soundtrack from Twin Peaks (33 1/3) by Clare Nina Norelli PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
When Twin Peaks debuted on the ABC network on the night of April 8, 1990, thirty-five million viewers tuned in to some of the most unusual television of their lives. Centered on an eccentric, coffee-loving FBI agent's investigation into the murder of a small town teen queen, Twin Peaks brought the aesthetic of arthouse cinema to a prime time television audience and became a cult sensation in the process.
Part of Twin Peaks' charm was its unforgettable soundtrack by Angelo Badalamenti, a frequent and reoccurring collaborator of film director and Twin Peaks co-creator David Lynch. Badalamenti's evocative music, with its haunting themes and jazzy moodscapes, served as a constant in a narrative that was often unhinged and went on to become one of the most popular and influential television soundtracks of all time.
How did a unique collaborative process between a director and composer result in a perfectly post-modern soundtrack that ran the gamut of musical styles from jazz to dreamy pop to synthesizer doom and beyond? And how did Badalamenti's musical cues work with Twin Peaks' visuals, constantly evolving and having the ability to break with television convention; playing off viewers' expectations and associations? Under the guidance of Angelo Badalamenti's diverse sonic palette Clare Nina Norelli delves deep into the world of Twin Peaks to answer all of these questions and more.
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