Jumat, 12 Juni 2015

PDF⋙ The Autumnlands Volume 2: Woodland Creatures by Kurt Busiek

The Autumnlands Volume 2: Woodland Creatures by Kurt Busiek

The Autumnlands Volume 2: Woodland Creatures

The Autumnlands Volume 2: Woodland Creatures by Kurt Busiek PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Stranded in the mountains, the Great Champion and the young dog-wizard Dusty discover gods, goats, living statues, oracular crows, and dangerous secrets about the history of the Autumnlands. Secrets that could help them save the world—if they’re able to survive.
This hit epic-fantasy series—named Best of 2015 by The Onion’s A.V. Club— continues, by superstar creators KURT BUSIEK, BENJAMIN DEWEY, and JORDIE BELLAIRE. Collects THE AUTUMNLANDS #7-14.

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