Minggu, 21 Juni 2015

PDF⋙ 30 Ways to Turn Your Craft Into Cash: How to Create a Successful Craft Business, Using Traditional and Digital Strategies by Suzanne M. Robinson

30 Ways to Turn Your Craft Into Cash: How to Create a Successful Craft Business, Using Traditional and Digital Strategies by Suzanne M. Robinson

30 Ways to Turn Your Craft Into Cash: How to Create a Successful Craft Business, Using Traditional and Digital Strategies

30 Ways to Turn Your Craft Into Cash: How to Create a Successful Craft Business, Using Traditional and Digital Strategies by Suzanne M. Robinson PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Creating a Successful Craft Business involves strategy. Gone are the days where you can make your products, set up a market stall, sell your crafts and make money. The problem is there is too much competition from mass produced products. You need to find new ways of packaging your craft skills and passion into profitable products that don't involve long hours making items only to earn a minimal return. Or maybe you already have an online craft business, but it isn't generated the income you would like. I guarantee you, there are more profitable ways to leverage your craft skills and passion they what you are currently doing. 30 Ways to Turn Your Craft into Cash goes through 30 Strategies to find and develop a successful product for your Craft Business. If you are going to put energy into building your craft business, you want to make sure you have the right product. This book explores new and exciting ways to leverage your craft skills and passion beyond just making handmade items to sell. Every crafter has skills and knowledge they can share with others - they just need to know how to sell it. In this book you will discover new and exciting ways to Turn Your Craft into Cash. You will be able to create a Handmade Business that will allow you to make money from home. In this book you will learn: New ways to sell your handmade items and reach more buyers. How to package your craft skills, experience and passion into lucrative digital products that you can sell over and over again. How to position yourself as an expert so customers will pay more for your items. How to package other peoples' knowledge and experience into products that can make money for you. The book is broken into three sections. The first covers 12 different strategies for selling your Handmade items and includes links to the most lucrative online stores for marketing your products. The second section discusses 12 traditional and digital ways to package your knowledge and expertise into lucrative products. This section alone will revolutionise the way you look at your craft business and inspire you to create new money making products. And the third section covers 6 ways to make money from your craft passion, even if you're a novice crafter by leveraging the expertise and knowledge of other crafters. Over half the strategies covered in the book harness the power of the Internet and show you how to merge your craft skills and passion into profitable digital products that you can sell over and over with little ongoing effort from yourself. You will learn how to go from Sweat Shop to Ongoing Recurring Passive Income, in an Industry that you love. Many of these strategies are used outside of the craft industry to make millions of dollars. Now it is time to leverage these strategies in the Craft Business arena to create successful and profitable businesses based on more than just making and selling handmade items. Each strategy covers the upsides and downsides to implementing the strategy along with tips on getting started on each strategy. If you're tired of spending long hours at the dining room table making products you sell for minimal profit then this book if for you. Be prepared to change the way you look at your craft skills and passion. Be open to developing a new route for your craft business, then you will finally get paid, what you are truly worth, as a craftsperson. So grab your copy of 30 Ways to Turn Your Craft into Cash to get started creating your Successful Craft Business. BONUS Watch free a free video tutorial and download the free worksheets to create your very own 90-day fast track action plan to get your Craft Business making you money. All the details on the inside.

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30 Ways to Turn Your Craft Into Cash: How to Create a Successful Craft Business, Using Traditional and Digital Strategies by Suzanne M. Robinson EPub

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