Selasa, 25 November 2014

PDF⋙ Short walks in the Yorkshire Dales by Collins Maps

Short walks in the Yorkshire Dales by Collins Maps

Short walks in the Yorkshire Dales

Short walks in the Yorkshire Dales by Collins Maps PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The Yorkshire Dales with its picturesque dales, ancient farmhouses and villages offer some superb country walking.This can be explored with these 20 walks, all of which are 5 miles or under in length and can easily be completed in less than 3 hours. This guide, produced in co-operation with the Ramblers and featuring Ordnance Survey mapping, is the perfect way to really appreciate the beautiful Yorkshire Dales. INCLUDES: * 20 easy to follow walks which can be completed in 3 hours and under. * Each walk has a detailed 1:25 000 Ordnance Survey map with the route clearly marked plus a detailed description of the route. * The walks have been chosen with issues like parking and refreshments in mind to make life easy for families. * Packed with colour photographs of scenes you will see along the walk. The perfect guide for afternoon walks near to Sedburgh, Hawes, Settle, Ingleton, Skipton and Harrogate.

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