Ending Holy Wars: Religion and Conflict Resolution in Civil Wars (Large Print 16pt) by Isak Svensson
Ending Holy Wars: Religion and Conflict Resolution in Civil Wars (Large Print 16pt) by Isak Svensson PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Peace and Security offers both a broad overview of what is being done in conflict - affected countries to advance women's participation in peace processes, peacebuilding and decision - making. The authors examine the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on 'Women, Peace and Security' and present evidence - based case studies from Timor - Leste, Fiji and Sri Lanka to suggest key actions needed. Five fundamental aspects flow through the book: a specifically feminist methodology, a priority on gender equality and women's empowerment and broad notions of human security and peacebuilding. While identifying obstacles, the emphasis is on articulating best practices in numerous contexts and outlining key actions to be taken by development agencies, women's NGOs and policy - makers. Peace and Security explores ways to protect women and girls from violence, ensure gender perspectives in peacekeeping, and increasing participation of women in decision - making.From reader reviews:
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