Sabtu, 12 Maret 2016

PDF⋙ Deacons Who Really Deek by Rockie Sue Fordham

Deacons Who Really Deek by Rockie Sue Fordham

Deacons Who Really Deek

Deacons Who Really Deek by Rockie Sue Fordham PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

When you compare the average decisions most deacon boards are expected to make, such as what kind of fruit to place in fruit baskets, what color to paint the nursery, or which day to reschedule the church pot-luck dinner, to the occupational decisions these men make on a daily basis, it is easy to see how a board of deacons can quickly turn into a group of bored deacons. Since most deacons are far too qualified for the current church deacon role, this over qualification can quickly cause them to lose their feeling of usefulness and turn their position into more of an irritant than a challenge. If our deacons are bogged down performing the modern, unbiblical role of the deacon, they will have neither the time nor energy to perform the true biblical role, and this is when the fussing begins. So what is the true biblical role of the deacon? To answer this questions we must take a look at the New Testament deacons. Who were they? What were they like? And what did they do? Only after answering these questions can we reestablish an effective biblically based deacon ministry. Deacons Who Really Deek will introduce to you to the practical nuts and bolts necessary for implementing a true biblically based deacon ministry, and it can assist you in moving your church that direction without causing the kind of chaos that splits a church in half.

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