Senin, 15 Februari 2016

PDF⋙ Museums, Health and Well-Being by Helen Chatterjee, Guy Noble

Museums, Health and Well-Being by Helen Chatterjee, Guy Noble

Museums, Health and Well-Being

Museums, Health and Well-Being by Helen Chatterjee, Guy Noble PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The role of museums in enhancing well-being and improving health through social intervention is one of the foremost topics of importance in the museums sector today. With an aging population and emerging policies on the social responsibilities of museums, the sector is facing an unprecedented challenge in how to develop services to meet the needs of its communities in a more holistic and inclusive way. This book sets the scene for the future of museums where the health and well-being of communities is top of the agenda. The authors draw together existing research and best practice in the area of museum interventions in health and social care and offer a detailed overview of the multifarious outcomes of such interactions, including benefits and challenges. This timely book will be essential reading for museum professionals, particularly those involved in access and education, students of museums and heritage studies, as well as practitioners of arts in health, art therapists, care and community workers.

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