Rabu, 06 Januari 2016

PDF⋙ Einstein from 'B' to 'Z' by John Stachel

Einstein from 'B' to 'Z' by John Stachel

Einstein from 'B' to 'Z'

Einstein from 'B' to 'Z' by John Stachel PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

John Stachel, the author of this collection of 37 published and unpublished articles on Albert Einstein, has written about Einstein and his work for over 40 years. Trained as a theoretical physicist specializing in the theory of relativity, he was chosen as the founding editor of The Collected papers of Albert Einstein 25 years ago, and is currently Director of the Boston University Center for Einstein Studies.

Based on a detailed study of documentary evidence, much of which was newly discovered in the course of his work, Stachel debunks many of the old (and some new) myths about Einstein and offers novel insight into his life and work. Throughout the volume, a new, more human picture of Einstein is offered to replace the plaster saint of popular legend. In particular, a youthful Einstein emerges from the obscurity that previously shrouded his early years, and much new light is shed on the origins of the special and general theories of relativity. Also discussed in some detail are Einstein's troubled relationship with his first wife, his friendships with other physicists such as Eddington, Bose, and Pauli, and his Jewish identity.

The essays are grouped thematically into the following areas:

* The Human Side

* Editing the Einstein Papers

* Surveys of Einstein's Work

* Special Relativity

* General Relativity

* Quantum Theory

* Einstein and Other Scientists

* Book Reviews

Because the essays are independent of one another, readers will be able to dip into this collection to satisfy varying interests. It will be of particular interest to historians of 20th century science, working physicists, and students, as well as to the many members of the general reading public who continue to be fascinated by aspects of Einstein's life and work.

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