Italians of Newport and Northern Kentucky (Images of America: Kentucky) by Pamela Ciafardini Casebolt, Philip G. Ciafardini
Italians of Newport and Northern Kentucky (Images of America: Kentucky) by Pamela Ciafardini Casebolt, Philip G. Ciafardini PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
This volume tells the story of the wonderful Italian people who immigrated to Northern Kentucky, settling in Newport, Covington, Clifton (Spaghetti Knob), and Cote Brilliante. Their history is preserved in images of families, weddings, military heroes, businesses, and holy ceremonies. They worshipped at St. Vincent de Paul Parish, found jobs at Newport Rolling Mill and tailor shops, opened their own businesses, and served in World War I and World War II. All along, they kept memories of Italy alive in their kitchens and gardens. Readers will gain an appreciation for the positive influences these Italian Americans had on Northern Kentucky.From reader reviews:
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