Freedom of the Will by Jonathan Edwards
Freedom of the Will by Jonathan Edwards PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
A Christian evangelical preacher during the early 1700's, during the First Great Awakening, Jonathan Edwards is considered one of America's most important and original philosophical theologians. His polemic work "Freedom of the Will" refutes the notion that humans have complete free will over the choices they make. Instead, Edwards claims that will is driven by human desire. In Edwards' beliefs, people are sinners at heart. They do not naturally follow God's wish for their future. However, the preacher says that there is a way for humans to "regain" their will; they must wholly believe in God's path for them. Understanding God's plans and accepting them allows someone to choose their own way. They can make a conscious effort to choose the best path for their life. Edwards took his beliefs to heart and followed what he thought was God's plan for his own life and in so doing helped to start a religious revival in America. He also is credited with starting the New Light Calvinist movement, which was comprised of a group of his closest followers and ministers. To this day his work continues to be admired and commemorated by countless churches, colleges, writers, and theologians.From reader reviews:
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