Bonding with Our Children in Fun and Easy Ways: Good for Parents and Grandparents Alike! by Marilynn Sambrano MSW
Bonding with Our Children in Fun and Easy Ways: Good for Parents and Grandparents Alike! by Marilynn Sambrano MSW PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
When it comes to children’s activities, there’s more to life than television, computer games, and cell phones. In Bonding with Our Children in Fun and Easy Ways, author Marilynn Sambrano offers a collection of easy ways parents and grandparents can bond with their children and grandchildren.
From writing letters, to building a bird’s nest, to washing the car, to playing with boxes, and to bird watching, Sambrano shares more than fifty simple and heartfelt ways adults can connect to children to create memories that will last a lifetime. A social worker who has worked with families and children, she understands and communicates the importance of developing and nurturing precious bonds with the younger generation and being a positive role model.
Combining humor and respect, Bonding with Our Children in Fun and Easy Ways presents a how-to guide for adults showing that playing with kids can be fun, easy, and rewarding.
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