Jumat, 08 Agustus 2014

PDF⋙ 3D Studio Ipas Plug-In Reference/Book and Cd-Rom by Tim Forcade

3D Studio Ipas Plug-In Reference/Book and Cd-Rom by Tim Forcade

3D Studio Ipas Plug-In Reference/Book and Cd-Rom

3D Studio Ipas Plug-In Reference/Book and Cd-Rom by Tim Forcade PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

With over 200 IPAS applications available, this visual reference makes it easy for users to understand each IPAS function and how to use it in professional drawings and animation.
-- Includes a full-color image array or series of arrays to demonstrate use and provide a point of departure for fine-tuning effects
-- CD-ROM includes demo versions of commercial plug-in applications, parameter files for all the effects, and custom IPAS applications

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