Mindful 3D for Dentistry: 1-Hour Wisdom (Volume 1) by Dr. Leo Lesley
Mindful 3D for Dentistry: 1-Hour Wisdom (Volume 1) by Dr. Leo Lesley PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Inspiring 3D mindfulness symbols hidden within perfect nature.
Focus on and beyond Dentistry to enhance meaning, value and insight in your life.- Enhance happiness
- Decrease stress and anxiety
- Relax & enjoy your life more
- Boost your inner peace
- Be more content & present
- Focus your mind
- Connect with others better
- Improve your memory
- Improve your effectiveness
- Find contentment and joy
- Sleep better
- Increase cognitive flexibility
- Gain self-compassion
- Advance your quality of life
- Value your skills
- Improve your magic eyes and miraculous mind
- Helps yoga, relaxation & meditation
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